Do you want to live a happier, healthier, longer life & help others do the same?

The "MORE from LIFE” book begins by offering a 5-stage, tried and tested approach to measure your health and well-being.

Then you can create improvements based on up-to-date research that highlights the importance of lifestyle choices.  Look after your mind, body, fitness, nutrition and habits.

Paying attention to all these interconnected aspects, helps you to get better because they impact and affect each other.

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HOW ARE YOU? What's Your Score?

Discover your strengths and weaknesses. Author Malcolm Bronte Stewart has developed a fun collection of questions for you to help you gain a clear picture of your well-being and status across all 5 sectors that lets you discover your scores for each one! You can go on to beat those scores and achieve new levels.

The book provides multiple ways to evaluate yourself to gain vital insights that will give you a clearer, more holistic and systemic appreciation of your strengths and weaknesses and what you can do to feel better and get better.


Follow the MORE from LIFE approach for 7 days and see how your scores improve. People who tried the challenge reported a 10% rise in their overall scores in just a few days. They felt the difference and were keen to see how much more they could improve with the 7-week and 7-month challenges. It REALLY works!

(Source: Systemist Journal, Vol 43, No 2. Winter 2022. P94-P116, Malcolm Bronte-Stewart)



The MORE from LIFE approach is suitable for everyone: Young and old, fit or unfit, families and individuals. With tips on how to live a longer, healthier, more fulfilling life.  This book is for coaches, athletes, gyms & personal trainers, health professionals & health educators, schools, universities and other educational facilities, alternative therapists & holistic sector workers, chefs, foodies, health & wellbeing enthusiasts, life coaches, office workers, anyone in addiction or in recovery and anyone interested in taking preventative measures NOW to improve health & wellbeing.  Take preventative measures BEFORE you become ill.

It's NEVER TOO LATE to start!

Do You Know You Could Add 10 Or More Years To Your Life?


According to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health following all of these 5 healthy habits could add more than 10 years to your life expectancy.

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Avoiding drinking too much alcohol
  • Not smoking

Researchers found people who maintained healthy lifestyle habits are:

  • 82% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.
  • 65% less likely to die from cancer (when compared with those with the least healthy lifestyles)

Researchers looked at 34 years of data from 78,865 women and 27 years of data from 44,354 men.

Evidence suggests the onset of 70%-90% of the commonest killer diseases, chronic illnesses and debilitating conditions may be delayed, prevented and could even be reversed!

(Source: Oxford University Press, New York, 2006)

The researchers looked at:
How not smoking, looking after your weight, doing sufficient physical activity, moderating alcohol intake and consuming a healthy diet, impacted mortality.
Women who maintained all five healthy habits gained, on average, 14 years of life, and men who did so gained 12 years, compared with those who didn’t maintain healthy habits. Those following the healthy lifestyle of all 5 were 74% less likely to die.

(Source: The Harvard School of Public Health Study. 2018)

Analyse Your Health & Wellbeing. Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses.
Results Provide You Areas For Improvement
Relationships, personal life, happiness, self-esteem, work/life balance, relaxation & stress questions.
Strength, fitness, agility & flexibility tests to measure your current status.
Twelve assessments help you to develop a clearer picture of your health.
This assessment analyses how healthy & nutritious your diet is.
All four lifestyle habits contribute to your health & well-being.
Self analysis, guidelines, recommendations & improvements for you to focus on.
Here's what our readers say!
Recent testimonials

What a fun and useful book! 

More From Life inspired me to change my habits and lifestyle and I am so glad I did.  This book shows you how to measure and improve all aspects of your well-being.  It helps me to live the life I love and love the life I live.  Get a copy for yourself and for someone else and improve your life prospects together. 

Susie Hancock

5.0 out of 5 stars. Very informative.

I thought I knew far more about general health than appears to be true after reading this book. Very informative and well researched.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom. Verified Purchase.

Mary-Jane Reyner 26th August 23

I found reading ‘More from Life’ both enjoyable and very helpful. The scoring system which is used helps you to have a clear understanding of areas you can improve in, for both your overall rating and in everyday life, which is not something I have come across anywhere else.

Meghan Cassidy, 24TH November 2023

Picked up a copy of my clients new book "More from Life" it's a great book for anyone that has an interest in improving their own health, to get more from life. It gives you easy tests you can conduct yourself which gives you a "life score".
From there, you can follow recommendations and guidance that will allow you to improve your score, that will in turn have a positive net benefit on your health - Something I'm passionate about. It's also a great resource for anyone that works with people looking to improve their health, fitness coaches etc.

Brian Milligan (Coach) 7th August 2023
Discover The Benefits!

Research published in leading medical journals, confirm people who do not smoke, keep active, exercise for at least 3 hours a week, with BMI less than 30, eat lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains (and very little meat) who drink only moderate amounts of alcohol, reduce their chances of getting:

Heart attacks
Different types of cancers
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