INTRODUCING the author of "More From Life book" (a self-help, health and wellbeing book).
Plus the amusing, bamboozling, fascinating  "600 Puzzles" book.

You may be asking yourself what would motivate a retired university lecturer to write two books?

Malcolm is an outgoing, friendly, approachable professional who is passionate about helping people live healthier, longer, more fulfilling lives. He has always lived a very active life, he was a ski & canoe instructor, enjoys horse riding and dog walking, and ran outward bounds courses. Before becoming a lecturer he also worked as a geologist, a wrangler, a stage hand, a systems analyst, and an information systems consultant.

In his early 50s, Malcolm fractured his pelvis in a horse riding accident that required surgical repair with metal plates and screws, which meant he could not work on the farm or exercise. He gained weight, ate too much-processed junk food and drank too much red wine, all of which became a habit.

He became anxious, stressed about work and did not sleep well. He began to worry about his health and developed palpitations. He was shocked to learn he had developed hypertension, high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic. This health scare prompted Malcolm to read extensively about health and well-being.
His job as a university lecturer meant he could research the most recent up-to-date studies and sift out the nonsense being peddled. This extensive study of credible authors, health journals and scientific papers led him to the conclusion that adopting certain lifestyle changes can make huge differences to everyone’s health and well-being.

The evidence is clear that healthy lifestyles improve health-spans.

Sadly, his late father died when Malcolm was 11. His father had published medical and science papers back in the 1950s with pioneering cardiac research. His mother was an eye doctor in the NHS until she was 70. Her research into scurvy and diabetic eye disease confirmed the importance of nutrition. Two of his sisters are doctors.

Improve your health & wellbeing. Help others do the same!

More from Life

Author Malcolm Bronte Stewart has developed a series of insightful and fun questionnaires and assessments, included in the book, to give you a clearer view of your well-being and status across 5 interlinked sectors - Mind, Nutrition, Body, Exercise and Habits. Discovering your scores for each one lets you build a picture of which aspects you may need to work on. You can then go on to take the 7-day challenge and begin to beat those scores and achieve new levels.

Learn how to live the life you love and love the life you live.

Participants in this challenge have reported improving their overall More From Life score by 10% in just one week.


Paperback available from AmazonKindle Edition | Waterstones


While writing the "mind" section for the "MORE from LIFE" book, Malcolm was aware and understood the vital importance of exercising our brains. But did you know we should give our brain daily doses of exercise? Just like our body, our mind requires regular exercise and a good way to do that, is to dive into interesting puzzles & games. Hence the idea for the next book released on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions, called "600 PUZZLES: Lateral Thinking Questions and a Treasure Hunt" now available to buy click here.

In January 2024 you will be able to purchase individual sections on each of the 5 stages of The MORE From LIFE book. Which means you can dip in and out, and analyse yourself on whichever section you like, without having to purchase the book. Covering Mind, Nutrition, Exercise, Body & Habits (which we will be launching on the website in January 2024).

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